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By shopping in our retail store located in Hudson, WI.
As New 2025 items are released we will list them.
Please call to check for availability on discontinued items and limited editions. 2025 Breyer items will be listed as they become available and are in stock. I will not list them until they are in stock. If you are looking for any specific Breyer merchandise we keep many items in stock including prior years of Breyerfest horses and tent specials. We have many "special runs," discontinued and collectible pieces so check the products in our site, or e-mail to check availability as the list is often too big to put online. Saddles and accessories like bridles, halters, blankets and more; as well as Breyer dolls, animals, classics, and stablemates are also kept in stock. All items are NEW in the original box unless otherwise stated.
Model horses are more than children's toys, and make a great investment.
Breyer horses aren't just for children anymore. We carry many special pieces for the collector.
888 Chippewa Path Hudson, WI 54016 Monday - Friday 10am-6pmSaturday - Sunday 10am-5pmGet directionsOur Show Room is open by appointment only. Please contact us to schedule your visit:
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